¡NHK Rakugo Meijinsen 10066 Kyudaime Senkyo Irifunetei "Nezumi" "Nasu Musume"
¡Kyudaime Senkyo Irifunetei
[Machine Translation] [NHK Rakugo Meijin Selections 100] 118 performances by 39 performers of classic rakugo, selected from NHK's collection of rakugo sources, are now available on 100 CDs! Each CD is priced at 1,000 yen without tax! The CDs are compact, at just under 30 minutes in length, and contain one or two performances. Including 21 performances that have never been released on CD before, this is truly the definitive collection of Rakugo on CD. Rats ( Irifunetei Ogibashi ) Jingoro Sa stays at a dirty ryokan in Sendai called Nezumiya. When he puts a carved rat in a tub, the rat starts to move and quickly gains a reputation... Eggplant Girl ( Irifune-tei Ogibashi ) An eggplant in a temple monk's field, for which he has been diligent, appears in the form of a woman. The monk has a dream that the eggplants appear as a woman, and he decides that his training is not enough, so he goes on a journey to Unsui. Includes performer introductions and commentary.