Star Trek: Picard Season 3Blu-ray Box
TV Series

 Description
[Machine Translation] The greatest threat to the United Federation of Planets: Picard's far journey is now complete! The final journey confronts the threat that undermines the Starfleet! New and old friends from the past and present appear one after another! The Japanese dubbed cast reunites with veteran voice actors! 2 hours and 40 minutes of fan-favorite extras! --After receiving a distress signal from Dr. Beverly Crusher, Jean-Luc Picard, with the help of Riker and the Seven of Nine, sets out on another challenging adventure. When he learns an unimaginable and startling revelation, he and his former crewmates must confront the greatest danger the Federation of Planets has ever faced... Contains 10 episodes.

Original Release Year: 2023

凌 Credits
Patrick Stewart
Jonathan Frakes
Gates McFadden
Ed Speleers
Jeri Ryan
Michelle Hurd
Brent Spiner
LeVar Burton

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