¡In & Out

 Description
[Machine Translation] The long-awaited first Blu-ray release of the hit 1998 comedy starring Kevin Kline! --Howard Brackett, a high school teacher in a small town in Indiana, is loved by everyone and leads a full life. But one day, just three days before his wedding to Emily, his girlfriend of three years, something big happens to him. His student, the popular movie star Cameron Drake, gave a nationally televised Oscar acceptance speech in which he said, "I dedicate this award to my teacher, Mr. Brackett. He is gay." He is gay! Howard desperately tries to quash the rumors, but even his fiancee, Emily, begins to look at him with suspicion. The whole country is watching, and their wedding day arrives. Which one of them is it really?

Original Release Year: 1997

凌 Credits
Kevin Kline
Joan Cusack
Tom Selleck
Matt Dillon

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