¡Takuma Matsunaga

 Description
[Machine Translation] Born in 1999, Takuma Matsunaga was exposed to a wide variety of music from his childhood, including classical, black, ambient, and electronic music. He has now released his latest album, produced by Mir Shinoda, also known as a member of yahyel, which took about a year and a half to make. The sounds on the album were recorded in real time using analog and digital synthesizers, and are based on ambient and electronic music, with a touch of hip-hop added to create a pure and one-of-a-kind work. Epoch" is derived from the Greek word "epokhe," which means "to suspend judgment, to pause, to hold on (ekhein) to (epi). It is both the everyday and the extraordinary, the real and the dreamy, or none of the above. Epoch" is suspended in the midst of all of these, and is the sonic trajectory of Takuma Matsunaga's journey back and forth between them. The artwork is the culmination of the work of Atsushi Yamanaka, Takuma Matsunaga, and Mill Shinoda, who were in charge of the jacket, and uses many off-shot photos taken by Kenta Yamamoto. Special envelope package.

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