¡ReFlap Chasing RePlayers'Collection
[Machine Translation] Seven virtual entertainers who are currently at the bottom of their game aim to make a comeback and make their debut! ReFlap" is a real audition program without any fake! Rising" CD featuring Leona Ihojaku (CV: Amatsuki), Reiji Kujakuishi (CV: Kentaro Kumagai), and Yosuke Takamiya (CV: Yuri Matsuoka), who were chosen through the 1st Voting held after the release of the song "Entertain", and "Rising" CD featuring Hayaya Kanagae (CV: Takashi Ikuta), Kaoru Mukawa (CV: Takahide Ishii), Toshi Ogata ( The "Chasing" CD will be released with the participation of Kanegae Shunya (CV: Ikuta Takashi), Mukawa Iku (CV: Ishii Takahide), Ogubata Satoshi (CV: Sako Tomohisa), and Washino Mizuto (CV: Hamano Daiki)! The "Chasing" CD will once again feature the 2nd Voting for the Loser's Revival Round! Voting serials (15 points) and a priority ticket (with serial number) for ReFlap Summer Live 2020 " Broken Birdcage " to be held on August 2 (Sun.), 2020 are enclosed.