
 Description
Anime show follows a 15-year old boy named Kai Kudou. He is one of E'S, the individuals with supernatural powers belonging to an organization within police called Ashram. This volume includes episodes 1 & 2. Includes a postcard featuring the sleeve cover artwork and a folded mini poster (B4-sized). Sleeve cover artwork is illustrated by Satoru Yuiga.

Special Features: textless intro & outro, production material
Original Release Year: 2003

凌 Credits
Satoru Yuiga (Author)
Yuki Tai (Cast)
Akimitsu Takase (Cast)
Akeno Watanabe (Cast)

Yasunori Matsumoto (Cast)
Akiko Hiramatsu (Cast)
Hisayo Mochizuki (Cast)

¡ Detailview
¡ Tracklisting
¡ Edition Details


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