¡Kamisama no Intai Hanshin Tigers Hiyama Shinjiro 22 Nen Kan no Kiseki
¡Sports (Shinjiro Hiyama)

 Description
[Machine Translation] Commemorating Shinjiro Hiyama's retirement! This DVD is a must-have for all fans, featuring the great footsteps of the god of substitute hitting. Shinjiro Hiyama, a 22-year veteran of the Tatejima Tigers, played the No. 4 position for the Hanshin Tigers in the late 1990s, led the team to the 2003 championship as the team president, and contributed to the team's many victories as the god of the pinch hitter since 2006. This commemorative retirement DVD includes all the memorable scenes from his first professional at-bat to his retirement game on October 5, 2013!

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