Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin)6
DVD release from "Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan)" anime based on the popular manga. Animation was directed by Tetsuro Araki ("Highschool of the Dead", "Guilty Crown") Plot: world is completely governed by giants and humans turned into giant's food! To keep freedom and prevent invasion from outside, they built a 50 meter high huge wall...
yFirst Pressz
Bonus Extra
(included while First Press is still available)
"Blu-ray Disc Visual Novel Vol.2" ("Kuinaki Sentaku (Rivaille & Eruvin Kako Hen)," "Nubatama no Yoru no Mori ni, Akaaka to Moyuru (Eren & Rivaille spin-off)" and "Wall Sina, Goodbye (spin-off)" by Nitroplus & Production I.G, illustrated slipcase, illustrated card, 12-page color booklet, and digipak
Original Release Year: 2013
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