First DVD release from the latest anime series from director Ko Matsuo ("Rosen Maiden"), and based on the hit light novel from the pages of "Jump Square!" High school student Shinkuro Kurenai is known for his ability to settle disputes. One day he's asked by his superior to protect a young daughter of a rich aristocrat named Murasaki Kuhoin. Though initially Shikuro finds Murasaki to be selfish and manipulative, he eventually grows accustomed to her. But it was at the moment he felt the closest that his world turned upside down! Can Shinkuro protect Murasaki from the fate she must bear? Includes episodes 1 and 2.
Special Features:
deleted scene (art stills and voice), commentary from the staff and cast
yFirst Pressz
Bonus Extra
(included while First Press is still available)
mini-poster illustrated by Yamato Yamamoto, setting guide
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