¡Drama Tetsudo Musume - Girls Be Ambitious! - Saitama Kosoku Tetsudo Untenshi Misono Kawaguchi Starring Erika Tanizawa
¡Japanese TV Series
[Machine Translation] The film is a sincere and detailed portrayal of the real-life "Railway Musume" working vigorously in the field, with the full cooperation of the various railroad companies. This is the story of Misono Kawaguchi, a driver at Saitama Rapid Transit Railway, played by Erika Tanizawa, a well-known member of the popular idol group "Idoling". Misono Kawaguchi (Erika Tanizawa) is a new driver training at Saitama Rapid Transit Railway. She is full of hope and has a passionate desire to contribute to the local community. The instructor, Yasuyuki Abe ( Makoto Nakamura ), who welcomes her, is more strict than usual with Misono. With the encouragement of his peers, Misono grits his teeth and desperately continues his training. The trainees complete their classroom training and move on to on-the-job training. During the driving training, Abe tells Misono, "You are not suited to be a driver. He told Miso that he was not fit to be a driver and that he should stop. Misono is hurt and wants to give up his career as a driver, but then he talks to an old lady he met at the station and remembers what made him want to become a driver...
Special Features:
bonus video footage (15 mins. approx./subject to change)
Edition Details