Sweet Little Lies
Japanese Movie
The story revolves around a couple Ruriko and Satoshi who have been married for three years. It seems they are ideal married couple, but they actually have emotional distance. One day, a teddy bear maker Ruriko meets a man named Haruo who wants to have a teddy bear "Nana," which is not for sale, for his lover. She is moved by his guileless personality and sell "Nana" to him. A short time later, she bumps into him and the two falls in love instantly. Satoshi is also runs into his junior fellow Shiho who have been biased in favor of him. She approaches him aggressively and they gradually become drawn to each other. . . Includes a 24-page booklet and a bonus disc featuring making-of with interview, press conference footage, cast & staff profile, trailers and TV spots. Comes with an original outer slip case.
yFirst Pressz
Bonus Extra
(included while First Press is still available)
10 postcards featuring the cast Miki Nakatani, Nao Omori, Chizuru Ikewaki, Juichi Kobayashi, Yuko Oshima, Sakura Ando, Mei Kurokawa
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