¡Okami Shojo
¡Japanese Movie

 Description
[Machine Translation] Directed by Yoshihiro Fukagawa, this heartwarming drama depicts the heartwarming interaction between three elementary school students. The three lead actors are Tatsuya Suzuki, who made his film debut with "Kaze no Zarekyo" (Reverberations of the Wind), Mao Ohno, who has attracted attention for her TEPCO commercial, Rena Masuda, who is popular for her children's program "Ohasuta", and Nene Otsuka and Takeshi Riju, who play Akira's parents, and give breathtaking performances. The film also features performances by Nene Otsuka and Tsuyoshi Riju as Akira's parents. A showcase has come to this town where I live. The bonus disc includes Memoirs of AKIRA, Tokyo International Film Festival, opening day greetings, and theatrical trailers.

凌 Credits

Nene Otuka (Cast)
Go Riju (Cast)
Erika Mabuchi (Cast)


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