¡Bruckner: Symphony No. 9
¡Toshiyuki Kamioka (conductor) / New Japan Philharmonic

 Description
[Machine Translation] The sixth CD with Toshiyuki Ueoka, music director of the New Japan Philharmonic since 2016, is Bruckner No. 9. After two years in this position, they have performed together many times and their performances have deepened even further. They play the solemn and sweet sounding music "dedicated to the God we love" with serenity and sincerity. This recording was made live in October 2018. The live performance is reproduced in high sound quality hybrid format so that even the solemn atmosphere surrounding the venue can be captured. Please listen to the ever-evolving Bruckner performance by Ueoka & the New Japan Philharmonic.

凌 Credits
Toshiyuki Kamioka
New Japan Philharmonic

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