¡Inspirations Compiled By Ill-Bosstino from Tha Blue Herb

 Description
[Machine Translation] Artists who lead listeners with their creative works. The series "INSPIRATIONS" has begun, in which the artists themselves select songs that inspire them in their creative activities. The first selection is by... The first artist selected for the series is... ILL-BOSSTINO, MC of THA BLUE HERB, who continues to transcend genres and proliferate his listeners while stoically pursuing the path of hip-hop in Japan. The first selection in this memorable series is ILL-BOSSTINO, MC of THA BLUE HERB, who continues to transcend genres and proliferate listeners while stoically pursuing the path of Hip-Hop in Japan! The rapper has his roots in the deepest part of the BEST KEPT SECRET dance floor in the northern city of Sapporo, the last stronghold of GOOD MUSIC, which has produced numerous musicians and continues to reign at the top of the music scene. The world's first CD release (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). The album will contain around 13 songs, including the world's first CD release (!!!).

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