Tantei Kyosuke Kamitsu no Satsujin Suiri5 - Chinurareta Bara
TV Drama
[Machine Translation] This is the fifth installment of the popular mystery suspense series based on Akimitsu Takagi's novel, which was broadcast on TV Asahi's "Saturday Wide Gekijo" program. The famous detective Kyosuke Kozu, played by Masaomi Kondo, takes on the challenge of solving a murder case. A woman jumps into a cab to escape from someone. She was the second daughter of the sergeant's three sisters. That night, the second sister is found dead, stabbed with a knife she was carrying. Kyosuke Kozu takes on the sisters' love-hate drama.
Special Features:
promo footage
yFirst Pressz
Bonus Extra
(included while First Press is still available)
original playing cards (partly from all volumes)
Original Release Year: 1987
Edition Details