¡Wagner: Lohengrin
[Machine Translation] Klaus Florian Forkert, a hero of the new era who overturns the stereotype of the traditional Wagner singer, made his Bayreuth debut in 2008 with "Die Meistersinger", and in 2011 made a strong impression in the title role in Hans Neuenfels' production of "Lohengrin". The up-and-coming Andris Nelsons, who made his Bayreuth debut the previous year in 2010, brings out the full range of music from the Bayreuth Festival Orchestra and Chorus. [Heinrich: Georg Zeppenfeldt, Lohengrin: Klaus Florian Forkt, Princess Elsa of Brabant: Annette Dasch, Friedrich von Tellramund: Jukka Rasilainen, Ortoluto: Petra Lang, King's messenger: Samuel Yoon, conductor Andris Nelsons, Bayreuth Festival Orchestra & Chorus