¡Shiyaku Hiyakunen Bunko 86(Hyaku Nen Bunko)
¡Vihieruto / Cho Kipuringu / Cho Hara Tamiki / Cho Suzuki Kimiko / Yaku Hashimoto Maki Nori / Yaku
[Machine Translation] A mother is accused of treason and sent to prison, and her son is taken prisoner by soldiers for accusing his mother. The conflict between justice and bondage weighs on them both ("Mother" by Wiechert). Miss Mary, a forty-four year old attendant, is a modest lady. The only time in her life that she has ever shown unprecedented hostility toward someone ( Kipling, Mary Postgate ). On the morning of August 6, I left my bed at around 8:00 a.m.," a full-length account by the author who survived the atomic bombing in Hiroshima ( Tamiki Hara, "Summer Flowers" ). War" transformed the people and the city into an absurdity. Three stories that continue to convey the sorrow of the people and the city.