¡Shin Yokai Nabi Runa 5 Kodanshiya Aoi Tori Bunko 268-12 Kizamareta Kio(Kodansha Aoi Tori Bunko)
¡Ikeda Miyoko / Saku Tobe Yoshi / E
[Machine Translation] Luna and her friends won the battle against the right and left inu, and obtained the Breaking Sword, which was enshrined in the palace. Confronted with the sealed Sword of the Breaking Sword, Luna decides to search for the other pair of swords, the Sword of Protection, which the Breaking Sword is seeking. Finally, she heads for the human world! However, Nanase's shadow was there again. Can Luna and her friends protect the Breaking Sword and recover the Sword of Protection? From elementary school intermediate level.