¡Shinobu Tama Ran Taro Gekijo Ban Anime Ninjutsu Gakuen Zenin Shutsudo! No Dan(Popurasha No Shinchisana Dowa)
¡Amako, Soube / Gensaku Mochizuki, Chikako / Bun Ajiado / E

 Description
[Machine Translation] The first and sixth grade students have exchanged their summer vacation classes, and the school is in an uproar! The first year's group, the Kisansha, received a special prize: "Get the loincloth of the lord of Omagatoki Castle". Now, Omagatoki Castle is in the middle of a war with Tasogaredoki Castle. The Ninjutsu Gakuen Zenshutsu-dou to rescue the enemy!

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