¡Sekai Bungaku Zenshu 3-01 / Original Title: Obsluhoval Jsem Anglickeho Krale
¡Ikezawa Natsuki

 Description
[Machine Translation] A young Czech apprenticeship as a hotel waiter with dreams of one day becoming a millionaire. The first thing the manager says to him is, "You will see nothing and hear nothing here, but at the same time you must see everything and listen to everything. But at the same time, you must see everything and listen to everything. Following this lesson, the young man becomes a full-fledged waiter, moving from one luxury hotel to another where the rich and powerful gather, all the while pursuing his dreams. Finally, he marries a German woman as he watches the execution of his countrymen by the Nazis. The leading Central European writer wrote this erotic, humorous, surreal, grotesque, and almost hokey masterpiece full of bizarre episodes in a single 18-day period. Based on the movie "A Toast to the English Waiter! Based on the film "To the British Waiter!

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