¡Inochi(Hyaku Nen Bunko)
¡Shuto Rumu / Cho O Hen Ri / Cho Vassaman / Cho Seki Taisuke / Yaku Onuma Makoto / Yaku Yamazaki Hisashi Hiroshi / Yaku

 Description
[Machine Translation] Lena, who worked hard for those close to her, remained single all her life. Lena Wies" by Sturm depicts how an ordinary woman dies like a hero. The work of love by the unsuccessful painter "Grandpa Bearman" to save the life of a young man ("The Last Leaf" by Haut-Henri). Christine, who grew up in a back alley without knowing the faces of her parents, lives a life of ugliness, fetching water, doing the laundry, and babysitting. In Wassermann's "The Amulet," she discovers love for humanity at the end of her life of sin and despair. Three stories that will bring tears to your eyes.

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