¡Tokyo Pod Kyoka Kyoku Bunkei Geinin Ga Gyokan Wo, Ura Wo, Mirai Wo Yomu
¡Makita Sports Petit Kashima Sanki Tatsuo Michi
[Machine Translation] Tokyo Pod Permission Bureau" is a chat radio show where three humanities comedians, including Makita Sports, Puchi Kashima, and Sankyu Tatsuo, discuss all kinds of topics including comedy, TV, pro wrestling, favorite snacks, politics, and economics from their unique perspectives. The radio program includes 10 episodes of "Surunarai Monogatari" and "Beat Takeshi's Venture" from the vast number of broadcasts. The contents are enriched with newly written columns and footnotes by station staff members. Includes a CD with three newly recorded articles, including "Tonneruzu Theory. The CD will stimulate your intellectual curiosity with "I didn't know there was such a world" and "I didn't know there was such a way of looking at things".