¡Eien No Yume / Original Title: NOW and FOREVER
¡Rei Bra Ddoberi Kitayama Katsuhiko
[Machine Translation] Lured by dreams and poetry, the reporter Cardiff lands in Somerton, Arizona, a small, secluded village where no children play and no one ages. Strangely enough, no children play there, and none of the residents age... A middle story, "Somewhere a Musical Band is Playing," investigates the mysteries of a town enchanted by magic and soon to disintegrate. In "The Giant Whale of 2099," the crew of Melville's "White Whale" fly into deep space and come into contact with fate, eternity, and God himself. After more than half a century of creative activity, Ray Bradbury continues to hold in his heart an astonishing vision of grandeur. This collection includes two rich, imaginative, previously unpublished middle stories.