¡Ru N Moji Kodai Europe No Majutsu Moji / Original Title: Runic Inscriptions(Aru Chemist Sosho)
¡Poru Jonson Fujita Yu Satogo
[Machine Translation] From the 1st century to the late Middle Ages, runes, an ancient magical script, survived in inscriptions and other forms and have been widely found in continental Europe and surrounding areas. Throughout its rich history, runes have been used for a variety of purposes. Runes have been inscribed on numerous artifacts for both practical and magical purposes. They have been used as oracles, magical symbols, calendars, in the form of codes, riddles, and poems. Runes are also used by individuals and can be found in old graffiti, as they conveyed messages as a record of craftsmen and stonemasons. Some fascinating examples are presented in this book.