¡Gunshi No Mon Ka
¡Hi Saka Masashi
[Machine Translation] Kanbei Kuroda returned alive from the dungeon of Arioka Castle, and upon learning of the death of Hanbei Takenaka, he took over his legacy and the position of military commander. When Nobunaga fell in the Honnoji Incident, it was Kanbei who advised Hideyoshi that "the road to the Kingdom of Japan has opened up. Kanbei did not like to shed blood, but was trusted by Hideyoshi because of his faithfulness and tenacious negotiations, and he supported Hideyoshi's efforts to seize power. In 1589, Kanpei handed over the governorship to his heir, Nagamasa, and took the name Josui. After Hideyoshi's death, Josui, who was living in retirement at Nakatsu Castle in Buzen, bet his dream on the Battle of Sekigahara.