¡Daiuchu No Shonen / Original Title: Have Space Suit-will Travel(Hajime motoSF Bunko)
¡Robato a. Hainrain / Cho Yano Toru / Yaku YOSHIKAWA Hidemi / Yaku
[Machine Translation] A space suit is a small space station - Kip, a high school student, enters a sweepstakes and wins a real used space suit, though he doesn't win first prize. He maintains it on his own and spends his summer vacation wearing it and walking around in it. But just when he was thinking of getting rid of it and going to college... A voice came into his communication device asking for landing guidance! He is abducted by a mysterious spaceship and embarks on a journey to the great galaxy. A masterpiece of the 1950's, this is one of the master's best feature films.