¡Jinchi Gaku Shin Chigaku Reichi Gaku / Chiku Ma Gakugei Bunko Shi 8-8 / Hara Title : Anthroposophie, Psychosophie, Pneumatosophie(Chiku Ma Gakugei Bunko)
¡Rudorufu Shi Taina / Cho Takahashi Iwao / Yaku
[Machine Translation] In the three years before the founding of the Anthroposophical Society, Steiner gave a series of lectures of four days each at the annual congress of the Theosophical Society. The themes for each year were "Anthroposophy," "Psychosophy," and "Spiritosophy. Each of these corresponds to the trichotomy of body, soul, and spirit of Steiner's anthroposophy, and each is examined closely in terms of sensory theory, judgment, and emotion, and the way to attain existence through spiritual vision and spiritual hearing. In addition to a critical examination of the traditional "theory of the soul and spirit" from Aristotle to Brentano, this trilogy explains why psychosophy cannot be proven by the methods of precision science, and provides the theoretical foundation for the theosophical movement.