¡Raimugi Ha Motomoto Komugi Ni Machigaerareta Zassodatta Shokuzai to Jinrui No Oui N Oui Nna Kankei / Original Title: LE plus GRAND MENU DU MONDE
¡Biru Furansowa / Kawai Hayao / Yamamoto Tomoko

 Description
[Machine Translation] Drunken flies drowned in milk to make cheese, Steve Jobs named his computer after John McIntosh, who planted the tree from which all apples are now eaten, and rye, a weed mixed in with wheat, became independent as a seed when humans mistook it for wheat. Rye, a weed mixed in with wheat, became independent as a seed when humans mistook it for wheat... The author presents an education on the relationship between foodstuffs and humankind that is sure to "satiate" your intellectual curiosity. From natural scientific knowledge to historical episodes, this book is inexhaustible! You will surely have a delicious experience if you know about it! Finalist for the French government's (Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation) "The Best of Science" award 2024.

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