¡SPOON. (Spoon)October 2024 Issue

 Description
[Machine Translation] The Desert of Namibia" Director Yoko Yamanaka x Yumi Kawai (Kana) and Daichi Kaneko (Hayashi) - 14-page tripartite talk with new shots for the front cover! From the feature lead, "The Namibian Desert" begins with a long shot of the main character Kana (Kawai Yumi) walking through a terminal station in the distance. (omission) Kana meets a friend from high school for the first time in a while at a coffee shop, where she is told that a classmate from her first year of high school has committed suicide. However, when she hears the name, she can only recall "That hair straightener? But when she hears the name, all she can remember is, "That hair straightener? Behind them, three young men discussing the difference in work-life balance between the past and the present are somehow weaving in a joke in the form of a metaphor, and Kana's attention is drawn to the words "no pants shabu shabu," which she overhears rather than to the death of a classmate whose face she has forgotten. ( omission ) Kana goes to a host club for a drink and meets up with Hayashi ( Daichi Kaneko ) in Kabukicho. Since Kana lives with Honda ( Kanichiro ), it becomes an affair, but the two are at the peak of their lovemaking, combined with the thrill of violating that taboo. They walk away, but a scout who has been verbally abused by Kana calls out to Hayashi out of spite. The scout, who was verbally abused by Kana, calls out to Hayashi, "Brother, you shouldn't go with that woman. That's exactly what I did when I was 18 years old and actually signed a contract at a hair removal salon," says Yamanaka. Just like in the movie, my friends invited me to a counseling session, and we all fell for their simple and common platitudes, such as "If you sign a contract today, you can save a lot of money" ( laughs ). I was desperate to pay the high price, but I never finished the treatment. At first it was funny how surreal it was to expose my naked body to several strangers and have the light shone on my hair follicles in a casual manner, but gradually I became afraid of the connection between lookism and capitalism. It reminded me of that. Besides, I have yet to see a hair removal salon in a movie" ( In the play, Kana and Hikari Toyama ( Erika Karada ) jump over a bonfire while singing "Camp da Hui! ) Kawai: "That scene wasn't there originally. After we finished filming the campfire scene, we were in the forest at night and sang "'Camp da ho... etc.

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