¡Doraemon1 [50th Anniversary Special Edition] (Tentomushi Comics)
¡Fujiko F. Fujio
[Machine Translation] Doraemon" Volume 1 50th Anniversary! Including a double cover and a separate volume! This year marks the 50th anniversary of the release of the first volume of Tentomushi Comics' memorable "Doraemon" on July 25, 1974. To commemorate this anniversary, we are releasing a special edition of the first volume of "Doraemon". The cover is a double cover, one with a shiny, glittering futuristic look (outside) and one that reproduces the design of the first edition as much as possible (inside), while maintaining the design of the first volume. The text, too, uses higher-quality paper than usual, and the works drawn in color at the time of publication are included in color, while the total door and the size of the lines in the leaflet are also reproduced as close to the first edition as possible. In addition, a special 48-page booklet, "Ladybug Comics Doraemon: Its Secrets and History," is included. This booklet traces the grand history of Ladybug Comics from its birth to the present day, using numerous documents and illustrations.