¡Harry Potter to Noroi No Kobutai Kyakuhon Tokyo Ban / Original Title: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Parts One and Two(Shizu San Sha Pegasus Bunko Ro 1-27 Harry Potter 27)
¡J. K. Rolling / Original Writer John Teifuani / Original Writer Jack So N / Original Writer Jack So N / Kyakuhon Odajima Tsuneshi / Yaku Odajima Noriko / Yaku Matsuoka Yuko / Yaku
[Machine Translation] Nineteen years have passed since the last chapter of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Harry is now the father of three children. The wizarding world is at peace and everything seems to be going well. The eighth story in the "Harry Potter" series is now on stage, and we are pleased to present the stage script of the Tokyo production, which opened in 2022, with all kanji characters marked with furigana. Read, watch, and enjoy the new world of Harry and his friends, filled with magic that transcends time, space, and imagination.