¡CroissantApril 10, 2024 Issue [Cover] Kobayashi Satomi
¡Magazine House

 Description
[Machine Translation] The art of changing one's impression to evolve one's beauty. It is the beginning of a new season. Just as plants and trees are sprouting, why don't we release our shrinking minds and bodies and try a little image change? Wearing spring-colored clothes, trying a different hairstyle, and other such small adventures will surely make you feel good. In this issue of Croissant, we have thought of various ways to help you do just that. We hope that this book will lead you to an encounter with a new you. The secret of Satomi Kobayashi, who looks better and better every time we meet her. The solution to "Nothing I wear looks good on me"! The art of how to dress neatly. The best balance of hairstyle. How to get the best balance of hair styles. Don't say, "Are you tired? Add the blood color that adults lack. Let's try what you want to try. The world expands from those who start. Proactively enjoy it because it's a necessity. Find a pair of glasses that will give you the look you like. Say goodbye to tasteless canned sentences. Regain a natural and bright smile by relaxing your stiffness and training your facial muscles. Vague anxiety is the same for everyone! Prescription to keep negative thoughts away. How to choose accessories and fragrances to express your personality freely. I want colors I like more than colors that suit me. A catalog of spring accessories that will lift your spirits. 100 years after her birth, the aesthetics of "Hideko Takamine" still fascinate me.

凌 Credits
Satomi Kobayashi

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