¡Shihon Ron Vol. 1 Jo / Original Title: Das Kapital(Chiku Ma Gakugei Bunko)
¡Curl Marukusu / Cho Imamura Hitoshi / Yaku Mishima Kenichi / Yaku Suzuki Tadashi / Yaku
[Machine Translation] Capitalism is an endless movement whose self-purpose is the multiplication of money. Why does an absolute conflict between a class that is getting richer and a class that is getting poorer emerge from the distribution of commodities in what appears to be an equivalent exchange? Marx attempted to elucidate the entire law of motion of capitalist society, which is filled with contradictions, using the industrial society of 19th century England as his source material. Although he conceived of a four-volume work, only the first volume was published during his lifetime. However, as a highly independent work, it continued to exert an enormous influence on the intellectual and political world that followed. The first volume contains "Chapter 12: Division of Labor and Manufacture" from "Pt. 1: Commodities and Money" to "Pt. 4: Production of Relative Surplus Value. Two volumes.