¡Vindebi Puzzle / Original Title: the Windeby Puzzle
¡Ro Isu Rori / [Cho] Shimatsu Yayoi / Yaku

 Description
[Machine Translation] In 1952, a mummy was discovered in a swamp in the northern German town of Windeby. After investigation, it was determined that it was the body of a girl, estimated to be 13 years old, who had been executed about 2,000 years ago. Why did the girl die a horrible death? What was the meaning of the cloth covering her eyes? We are led into a mysterious ancient world by a storyteller of rare ability... Based on the latest findings of archaeology, forensic anthropology, and ethnography of imperial Rome, this unique historical mystery novel uncovers the truth about an unknown "female child" who lived in ancient Germania.

凌 Credits
Lois Lowry

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