¡Sei Yaku Genji Monogatari (the Tale of Genji) Hombun Taisho Dai3 Satsu on Demand Ban
¡[MURASAKI SHIKIBU / Original Writer] Nakano Koichi / Yaku
[Machine Translation] This product is an on-demand product. Please note that it takes about one month from the time of order to the time of delivery when the stock status is "in stock: 1-3 weeks" or "on order: 1-3 weeks". Hikaru Genji spends his days in melancholy in Suma and Akashi after his secret meeting with Oboro Tsukiya, the daughter of his political rival, the Minister of the Right, is exposed. However, he meets the Princess Akashi there and bears her a child. He eventually returns to the capital and returns to politics, where he is promoted to the posts of Gonon Dainagon and Uchihaicho (Minister of the Interior), and enjoys a period of great prosperity. This is the best translation into modern Japanese that is faithful to the original text!