¡Kamo no Negi niwa Doku ga aru: Kamo-Kyoju no NIngen Keizaigaku Kogi6 (Young Jump Comics)
¡Natsuhara Takeshi / Kai Tani Shinobu
[Machine Translation] Regional Development" is the key to Japan's economic recovery. Avenge the "greedy crooks" who are swarming there...! Misaki, who senses Japan's predicament in the economically strapped Argentina, visits Professor Kamo's junior sociologist, Tando, for guidance on how to deal with the situation. There, he talks about "regional development" as a countermeasure. However, there are corrupt businessmen who line their pockets, bribe-seeking government officials, and unscrupulous consultants... Professor Kamo, a genius economist, gives the "wisdom" to turn the tables on the failing revitalization project!