¡Ore Ga Donna Sentaku Wo Shiyoga, SS Kyu Bishojo Tachi Ga Zenryoku De Chumoku Shitekuru(Kadokawa Sneaker Bunko) [Light Novel]
¡Kasukabe Take Ru / Cho
[Machine Translation] Teizo Academy is a school where students of super high school level gather in every field. Yota Ohmusubi, who was transferred to the school because of a peculiar constitution, wants to be less conspicuous than everyone else and live a peaceful school life, but.... But he wants to live a quiet life at the school... "Choose 1. become a pig 2. become a pig to be trampled by the queen..." He becomes the center of attention because of a mysterious phenomenon that forces him to choose the option that appears in his brain. And even though it's a ridiculous choice and a bizarre behavior, everyone around him loves it! Everything he does goes too well! Yota soon attracts the attention of all the beautiful girls in the school, and spends his school life being talked about all the time.... The choices in my brain are cheering me on in this school love comedy!