¡Shinyaku Juri Asu Shiza / Original Title: the Tragedy of Julius Caesar(Kadokawa Bunko Shi 6-20 Shakespeare Collection)
¡SHAKESPEARE / [Cho] Kawai Shoichiro / Yaku
[Machine Translation] Caesar, the dictator of ancient Rome, returns triumphant after winning the civil war and is greeted enthusiastically by the citizens. The noble Brutus, fearing that Caesar will abolish the republic and become emperor, is in anguish, and his friend Cassius, jealous of Caesar, urges him to assassinate Caesar! Brutus, the noble Brutus, who feared to become emperor and abolish Caesar, agonizes in agony. A remarkable masterpiece in which Shakespeare predicts the assassination of every political leader, past and future. Thoroughly annotated with an abridged translation of the North translation of "The Biography of a Hero" as read by Shakespeare.