¡Inori Asahi Bunko Jidai Shosetsu Anthology(Asahi Bunko Ho 19-6 Asahi Jidai Shosetsu Bunko)
¡Hosoya, Masamitsu Tadashi Takashi / Hen Asai, Makate / Cho Ueza, Mari / Cho Kaji, Yoko / Cho Komatsu, Emeru / Cho Saijiyo, Naka / Cho Hiraiwa, Yumie / Cho

 Description
[Machine Translation] In "Kusa Fuichi", a retired samurai who cannot read Kanji starts attending a private school to read letters left by his late wife; "Kusan Fuichi", a man is told to abandon his newborn daughter in the mountains because of a bad harvest; "Chichichina Kami-san", the heiress of a restaurant chooses a tofu seller over her parents' objections; and six other stories.

凌 Credits
Yumie Hiraiwa

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