¡Tokugawa Ieyasu No Daisakaki Hoi Mo Sekigahara Kassen Kara Osaka No Jin Made No Ju Go Nen(Asahi Bunko a 76-1 Asahi Jidai Shosetsu Bunko)
¡Abe Ryutaro / Cho

 Description
[Machine Translation] The "Siege of Osaka Castle" refers to a group of castles built by Tokugawa Ieyasu after the Battle of Sekigahara to contain the Toyotomi family and the Western lords of the Toyotomi lineage. From Fushimi Castle and Nagoya Castle to Shimotsui Castle and Imabari Castle, why did Ieyasu build these castles? This book traces Ieyasu's 15 years of endurance warfare and his "long thinking" by actually visiting and walking around the castles.

凌 Credits
Ryutaro Abe

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