¡Kokufu Ron Koku No Yutaka Sa No Honshitsu to Genin Nitsuite No Kenkyu Ka / Original Title: an INQUIRY into the NATURE and CAUSES of the WEALTH of NATIONS Gencho Dai6 Han No Honyaku(Nikkei Business Jin Bunko)
¡Adamu Sumisu / Cho Yamaoka Yoichi / Yaku
[Machine Translation] Part V deals with the revenues of the sovereign or state. First, what are the expenses required by the king or the state, which portion should be borne by society as a whole and which portion should be borne only by a few. Second, what are the ways in which society as a whole can contribute to cover expenses that should be borne by society as a whole? Finally, what are the causes of the indebtedness of most modern governments, and how has this indebtedness affected the true wealth of society, that is, the annual product of society's land and labor? (Extracted from "Introduction and Organization of This Book").