¡Kokufu Ron Koku No Yutaka Sa No Honshitsu to Genin Nitsuite No Kenkyu Jo / Original Title: an INQUIRY into the NATURE and CAUSES of the WEALTH of NATIONS Gencho Dai6 Han No Honyaku(Nikkei Business Jin Bunko)
¡Adamu Sumisu / Cho Yamaoka Yoichi / Yaku
[Machine Translation] What factors have led to the increased productivity of labor in prosperous civilized countries, and what is the natural order in which the products of labor are distributed among the various strata of society, are the subjects of Part I of this book. Part II deals with the nature of capital, how it is accumulated, and how the use of capital makes a difference in the amount of labor employed. (Extracted from "Introduction and Organization of this Book").