¡Shonen Akuma Koshaku, Inma Ni Tsukareru(CHARADE BUNKO Sa 7-4)
¡Suna No Kaze Yuko / Cho
[Machine Translation] The demon king was attacked by a brave hero and turned into an infant. In order to save the demon world from chaos, the great great demon Alto decides to form a party and go out to defeat the heroes. However, the members of the party are all clunkers: a mild-mannered mad warrior, a crybaby beastman, and Largo-a useless whore who only likes Alto. Among them, Largo, who is a lowly demon but tries to help Alto and take Alto's bodily fluids, is unbearable. However, his heart aches for Largo, who is about to disappear because he didn't give her his bodily fluids!