¡Na Runia Koku Monogatari Shinyaku 6 / Original Title: the Chronicles of Narnia : the Magician's Nephew(Kadokawa Bunko)
¡C S Ruisu / [Cho] Kawai Shoichiro / Yaku
[Machine Translation] Diggory and Polly, the girl next door, find a mysterious ring in their uncle's study. In fact, his uncle is a magician and has created a magical ring that can transport them to another world. The two touch the ring and are sent to another world, where they resurrect the evil Queen Jadis and bring her back to the city of London. In a panic, they try to bring her back to the original world, but they find themselves in a different one. There, Aslan is about to create a new world. Volume 6 depicts the beginning of Narnia!