¡Makai De Sodaterareta Shonen, Umarete Hajimete No Ningen Kai De Muso Suru Makai No Joshiki De Ikitetara, Kizukeba Jinrui Saikyo Ni Natteita 2(Glass to NOVELS) [Light Novel]
¡Kyu to Nana Bi / Cho
[Machine Translation] Edel falls into the demon world, where vicious demons roam, soon after his birth. Luckily, she was picked up by a great sage, and at the age of 12, she began to live in the human world for the first time. She was brought up in a very hard environment and enjoyed her school life, which was full of firsts, to the surprise of everyone around her. Her friends ask her to train them. He agrees, but then he is asked by his friends to train him. He readily agrees, but he finds himself using unexpected methods, such as remodeling dungeons and summoning followers and monsters...? It's just what everyone else does, isn't it? It's not possible! Eder's actions, which were out of the ordinary, were met with a lot of criticism from everyone around him. Furthermore, the student council and the royal family, who control the school, cannot leave Eder's overwhelming presence in the intramural competition alone...? The life of the strongest and unaware boy in the human world is accelerating!