¡Tensei Reijo, Nippon Shoku De Isekai Jin No Ibukuro Wo Tsukanjaimasu! Tekikoku No Ore Sama Oji to Coolde Kamokuna Ani Kara Proposal Saremashita(DENGEKI) [Light Novel]
¡Nana Fuku Sayuri / Cho

 Description
[Machine Translation] Duchess Emilia was the fiancee of the next king. When she is attacked by thugs and wakes up from a three-year sleep, she finds that her sister has married her fiance. During her sleep, she regains the memory of her previous life and her knowledge of cooking, and her days are filled with fulfillment. Then, a prince from a victorious country appears to her and says, "I've loved you since my previous life. I've been looking for you for a long time. I can never give up on you." Then her brother, with whom she thought she did not get along, appears and says, "From now on, I won't put up with you. Emilia, I love you." Suddenly, she is courted by two men. The daughter of a free woman makes people happy with Japanese food in this otherworldly fantasy!

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