¡Showa Tenno Monogatari12 (Big Comics)
¡Junichi Nojo, Kazutoshi Hando, Issei Eifuku, Hidetaka Shiwa

 Description
[Machine Translation] An unprecedented coup d'etat breaks out! Who is he? On February 26, 1936, a group of young army officers rose up in an attempt to "reform the nation"! The Minister of the Interior, Minoru Saito, the Minister of Finance, Korekiyo Takahashi, and others were killed, and the Chief of the House of Councillors, Kantaro Suzuki, was seriously wounded. These young men risked their lives for their country. The military leaders took advantage of them to strengthen their own position. The outbreak of violence accelerates. In the heart of a shaken Japan, what will the sovereign think and how will he act?

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