¡Kamo no Negi niwa Doku ga aru: Kamo-Kyoju no NIngen Keizaigaku Kogi4 (Young Jump Comics)
¡Natsuhara Takeshi / Kai Tani Shinobu
[Machine Translation] Professor Kamo's friends have gathered under his pursuit of the truth and are now bringing down the hammer on the evil "Money Collecting Device"...! Yohei Kamo, a genius economist, has cut off the leaders of a new type of multi-unit "Entrepreneurial Group/ Landscape" and is now going to confront the "Founder" Juro Suzuka directly! What is the unexpected outcome? In the new chapter, a new challenge "What is a business with low initial risk? The students were asked a new question, "What is a business with low initial risk? The students are excited about this unusually lucrative topic, but the part-time job that Misaki has been interviewing for has the whiff of a hidden duplicity in modern society...?