¡Kamo no Negi niwa Doku ga aru: Kamo-Kyoju no NIngen Keizaigaku Kogi3 (Young Jump Comics)
¡Kai Tani Shinobu / Kaku / Natsuhara Takeshi Genan
[Machine Translation] The 1% economically strong and the 99% weak... The "Camorism Society" will definitely be overthrown...! Yohei Kamo, a world-renowned economics prodigy, is performing various "eccentricities" under the guise of "hands-on research. After destroying the pyramid scheme organization "NSA" that was spreading at the university, he moves on to destroy a new type of pyramid scheme organization "Entrepreneurial Group/ Landscape" at the top. However, their "brainwashing" and enhanced malicious tactics come to light... What is Professor Kamo's practical lecture on "Camorhythmic Economics" to destroy the vicious business practices that put the weak in debtor's hell?