¡Tensei shita Moto-Dorei, Saikyo no Kizoku ni Natte Toshiue no Musume to Sekai Saikyo wo Mezashimasu4 (Gangan Comics ONLINE)
¡Miki Nazuna, Tanahashi Namoshiro
[Machine Translation] What is the content of the unexpected request from his arch-enemy Alice? Lewis has been reincarnated from a slave to a nobleman, and now he has the most powerful power of all. He uses his power to free all the slaves in the world! Lewis and his friends finally get back the paintings stolen by the witch Alice. However, this is short-lived, as they receive an unexpected job offer from Alice, who has been tormenting them until now. It turns out that she is a slave herself and wants them to free her from the slave collar! Lewis, who aims to free all the slaves, immediately accepts the request and begins to work, but Alice has a certain agenda in mind for this request...!